Thursday, May 2, 2019


Today we learnt how to Measure with
Length, Width, Centimeter and also
meters.Then Mrs Sharma said we had to go into 5 groups.Then we all went into 5 groups. So then we went outside and lined up. So we went outside and Mrs. Sharma said first
We are gonna go to the dots.
So what we had to take were felt tips,Paper, rulers and also a chalk.So when we got to the basket ball court we started With the Width so the Width was 29 meters and cm was 89. So we went
And did the Length and the Length
Was 14 meters and the cm was 9. Then when Mrs.Sharma came and told us to do the Width again because we did it wrong, It was supposed to be on the yellow line on so we went and restarted.
Then when we were done we went
Back up to class.
