Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Geometry Maths: Area and Perimeter

Opeti-Videos of whales and dolphin

Opeti-Reading comprehension

The Bushfire


What made the family decide to leave alone?

             ANS- They decided to leave their home because the dad heard on the radio there was a large wildfire that had started  in the bush and it was not far away.


Why did dad grab grandpa’s old guitar?

                        ANS- When the Dad grabs grandpa’s guitar as a memory.


What is safety shelter?

                                      ANS- A safety shelter is somewhere to hide or 

A safety house to stay from anything


What causes the spot fires?

ANS-The fire became too big to fight under the middy sun.


Why did the fire pick up speed?

ANS-The fire picked up speed as it to moved up the steepest.


How does a bushfire cross over roads?

ANS-The flames were twice the size of the trees and the 

Heat was very great.


Why didn’t koalas and possums run away from

The hot flames?

ANS-Because the climbed to tree tops and there they



What happens to animals that are badly burnt and in need of help?

ANS-After the bushfire many dead native animals were four other wildfire was badly burnt and needed their sores



Why didn’t wild birds make a sound after the fire?

ANS-Because they were already dead.


What happened to some of the stock on the family farm?

ANS- Our farmhouse was damaged by the heat 

And some stock did not survive.




Monday, September 14, 2020

 WALT write compound sentences using “and” or “but” with each word in it.

1. Excited- I was excited to go to the rainbows end but I was sick.


2. Can’t- I had $1 to buy a chip and I can’t afford it. 

3. Look- I was walking and I looked behind my friend was not there.

4. Finally- I was going to Tonga and It took so long but I was finally there.


5. Second- When I was playing my sister called me and I said hold up I’ll be there in a second 

6. Hospital- When I was playing at the park with my brother there was a girl the got a glass of beer and hit my little brother and he was crying then we went back home and rushed to the Hospital.

7. Chocolate-  I was going to the shop and got me a chocolate. 

8. Tried- I was playing fortnite and my friend said to win the game and I tried my best

9. Under- When I was walking to the kitchen I crawl under the table

10. Happy- When It was my birthday I get to buy me stuff and I was happy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Opeti BLOG Profile

Malo e lelei ko hoku hingoa ko Opeti

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Friday, May 1, 2020


Covid 19 is a destructive virus that has affected people
all over the world. It is a deadly virus that can killed
people. About hundred thousands people died because
of this virus. MetOcean Telematics | Coronavirus (COVID-19) | MetOcean TelematicsBefore lockdown
happen school was not close 
We could see our friends and hug them and play with
them. All of the malls and restaurants were open. Our
mums and dads could go get us takeaways.  People were
happy to visit places 
And we could visit countries. But suddenly 
The 25th of March the whole country went into lockdown. Was close. And we couldn't chat with our friends or see them  but only online class. And we had to stayin our own bubble.

I really hope that the virus dies so I can be able to return to school so I can see my friends.    

But sadly 25th New Zealand came to a stand still 

When  our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Announced that
we are on level 4. But the suddenly 
Malls and all shops and restaurants were closed.

Also the worst thing that happen school was school 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Colour blindness

Colour blindness.

Some people are colour blinds and they
can’t see the difference between colours. 
Such as green,red, and yellow and
sometimes blue.
Also cones can help us see colours
because there’s something in our eyes
which is called retina. But sometime
cone dont works probably when people
can’t see normally 

How can you show kindness.

Map Of The World

Friday, April 17, 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Why was it a paradise for possum in New Zealand.

Possum in Australia
Possums in New Zealand
Australia was very hot in
summers and very cold
in winters. So lots of
possums died.

Australia had bush fires
every year so lots of
possums died.

Australia had lots of
predators like pythons
]and dingoes that would
eat possums.

Because of harsh
conditions possum mum
would give birth to one
possum in  a year.
New Zealand has mild

New Zealand does not
have bushfires.

Possums are on the top
of the food chain  in New
Zealand.They eat most
animals but there is no
one to eat them.

Possum mother would
give birth to 2 joeys in
one year.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Life cycle of a butterfly.

The mother lays eggs on the new leaves of
swam plants.But when the caterpillars  
Are ready the eggs hatch out. But the
caterpillars baby eat lots of leaves and they
become fatter and fatter.
When the butterfly is born it goes into the
crysaillas for 2 weeks. Then when the
butterfly grows it can fly and move fast.
And got to A better place like a garden 

of flowers.